jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Adelante el video hasta el minuto 3:56
03:56I've come out here tonight to challenge you.
04:02Challenge you, the WWE Universe, into seeing things my way.
04:12And to learn how to just say no.
04:16See, because the people who cheer for Jeff Hardy are just slaves to the vices associated with his "living in the moment".
04:33I feel bad for you, I really do.
04:37You walk around almost blind and you wear your prescriptions proudly on your sleeve,
04:45like they were badges of honor.
04:51And what was it the doctor told you? Just take one every four hours, right?
05:01Aside from myself there's not a person in this arena
05:06who hasn't abused prescription medication or taken a recreational drug.
05:17And I know, trust me, it's hard being straight edge, it's hard to live a straight edge lifestyle.
05:25It's extremely difficult to be me.
05:29But what concerns me now
05:33is that none of you realize, how much more difficult it is to live the life that you all live.
05:52I'm positive nobody in here takes into account the long term consequences of alcohol on your liver.
06:03See, and you cheer that, that's nothing to cheer.
06:06You drink because it's fun, right?
06:10Eventually it's not gonna be fun anymore, when it spirals out of control and it's no longer fun.
06:17Sooner or later you're just drinking to feel normal.
06:24And there's the smokers.
06:29You know, I don't know what's more disgusting.
06:33Is watching a smoker pollute his or her lungs with over four thousand foreign chemicals
06:41or having to listen to the smokers convince themselves that they can quit whenever they want to.
06:50It's hard to quit, I know, it takes a very strong person to quit.
06:56But an even stronger person never would have started smoking in the first place. ['Hardy']
07:11I didn't want to come out here and be the bearer of bad news.
07:19But let's face facts.
07:20Chances are pretty slim that any of you here will ever get the monkey of their back.
07:27You'll never be able to pry the cigarette from your lips.
07:35Or find the self-control to pour your drink from your glass.
07:41Or the self-respect to take the pill out of your mouth.
07:47See, it starts and it can't happen without learning how to say no to temptation.
07:53And that's why I'm out here.
07:56I'm out here to challenge you. Before it's too late.
08:03Please, learn how to say no to temptation. Learn how to say no to your vices.
08:08Learn how to control yourselves.
09:15You got a lot of nerve, Punk. A lot of nerve.
09:20I mean, you think you're so right, but what you don't know about people could fill a book, man.
09:29I mean, you're so stuck on yourself, it's like,
09:31you forgot what it's like to be human.
09:36People make mistakes. And those people can change.
09:40No, Jeff. People, these people say they can change. You know what.


sleeve - badge - aside from myself - cheer - even - bearer - pretty slim - pour - stuck
sleeve: manga; badge: medalla; aside from myself: aparte de mi; cheer: festejar; even: incluso; bearer: portador; pretty slim: muy delgada; pour: derramar; stuck: atrapado;

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