viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Los subtitulos comienzan en el minuto 3:12 seria mejor si lo adelantan el video :)
03:14Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. We're two hours into our seventeen hours extravaganza here at the Slammy Awards.
03:22Our next award is for 'Guest Host of the Year' and here to present the award is Vince McMahon now.
03:27Earlier today I was lucky enough to have Vince get me some notes on how to do comedy
03:32Vince McMahon gave me a couple of comedy notes, thank god my life is complete now.
03:38Wasn't sure if I could go on but Vince gave me some comedy notes.
03:43Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Chairman of the World Wrestling Entertainment,
03:48Mr. Vince McMahon.
04:09Some months ago I had a vision to have a guest host each and every week here on Monday Night RAW.
04:17Some of these guest hosts have — quite frankly — been a little bit better than others...
04:24and what is the matter with you people that you passed away before we came on the air here tonight?
04:31What a lousy audience!
04:37Now, the nominees for the 'Guest Host of the Year' are:
06:09The winner is: Bob Barker.
06:16I wanna thank Vince McMahon and the WWE
06:20and of course you viewers for voting for me as the best RAW host of the year
06:27and presenting me this handsome Slammy which will have a prominent place in my home.
06:32I sincerely appreciate it.
06:34And I wanna thank you also for selling a lot of copies of my book 'Priceless Memories'
06:40and since the proceeds from the book go to the DJ&T Foundation
06:44my foundation thanks you as well.
06:47And Vince I want you to know that I had a wonderful experience being with you
06:53the staff, the wrestlers, everybody was so kind and so considerate and so much fun.
06:59It was a great, great experience.
07:01I wish all of you a merry, merry Christmas and a happy new year! Go for it!
07:12A round of applause — nonetheless, Bob Barker asked me to go for it,
07:16so I will. Dennis, if you were gonna go for it
07:22and you were gonna name a guest host.
07:26Who would it be: Al Franken, Sarah Palin, Howard Finkel?
07:33Let me go outside the political round, Vince.
07:37And let me posit this theorem: What about an age-old favourite of mine
07:42is it possible that it could be hosted by Bret 'The Hitman' Hart?
07:59Last time Bret was here in the WWE,
08:03Bret screwed Bret and I don't think he would be interested in doing anything.
08:08Would you be interested, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart?
08:11WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED? TELL THIS MAN, would you be interested?
08:20The people have spoken


proceeds - nonetheless - posit
proceeds: ganancias; nonetheless: sin embargo; posit: postular;

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