martes, 15 de julio de 2014

00:03 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce tonight's guest host for Monday Night Raw...
00:10 He is a 5 time WWE champion and WWE Hall Of Famer, making his first appearance on Raw in over 12 years.
00:22 Ladies and gentlemen...
00:24 Brrrrret "The Hitmaaaaan" Haaaaart
02:35 Well, I guess hell froze over.
02:43 I know there's a lot of people out there that are wondering why I'm here tonight. And why now. But you know, I've had a long time to think about things.
02:53 It's been twelve years since I've been back in the WWE. And it's an amazing feeling.
03:02 You know, for the last few years I tried so many times to find a way to come back.
03:08 But every time I tried to come back Vince McMahon would always decline and tell me that it wasn't possible.
03:18 I just wanna say that I'm grateful for this moment right now. To be here and to be able to talk to the WWE Universe.
03:33 You know, the most important thing I gotta say right now- ['Welcome back!']
03:46 It's nice to be back.
03:49 You know, I just wanna say-This is a chance to say to all my fans all around the world-Thank you so much! For never letting me be forgotten.
04:03 I owe everything that I am today, and I've been in my whole life, to the WWE Universe.
04:10 And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for carrying me in your hearts for all these years. Never to be forgotten.
04:23 As I stand here right now, I feel myself flooded with millions of memories.
04:29 Great memories. In fact, I can remember being right here at the Nutter Center and winning the very first King Of The Ring.
04:40 One of my proudest moments and one of my proudest nights. As a matter of fact, I think I remember at the end of it that Jerry Lawler jumped me. And well-Hey, King, nice to see ya.
04:55 Some things never change. Anyway. There's another reason why I'm here tonight. And I'm gonna get right to the point.
05:05 I got twelve years of things that I want to get off my chest.
05:10 And the very first thing that I wanna do is I wanna call, back there, Shawn Michaels to come out here!
05:17 See me face to face.
06:33 Shawn Michaels. I just call you Shawn.
06:39 I think I'd like to take this opportunity right now to bury the hatchet with you. And call for a truce.
07:04 First of all, Hitman, before you come out here and get your closure,
07:10 there's something I've been waiting twelve years to say to you.
07:22 The fact is you deserved what happened twelve years ago in Montreal.
07:38 You disrespected me and you disrespected this business. And yes,


froze over - As I stand - flooded - the very first thing - hatchet - truce
froze over: congela; As I stand: Al estar; flooded: inundado; the very first thing : lo primero; hatchet: hacha de guerra; truce: tregua;

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