lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

02:28 Ladies and gentlemen, I undestand how you feel because last night at SummerSlam,
02:54 when Brock Lesnar faced Triple H, it was a most uncomfortable match to watch.
03:03 Not only because of Triple H's legendary ability to withstand punishment, despite Triple..
03:17 You know, I sat at that very desk doing a far better job than those two announcers eleven years ago and I watched Triple H's quadriceps get wripped completely from the bone.
03:35 The man suffered a completly torn quadrice, and yet Triple H finished that fight.
03:43 What a warrior Triple H was. I mean this man continued in the fight despite a debilitating injury like that.
03:53 A torn quad couldn't stop Triple H.
03:59 But Brock Lesnar could.
04:06 Because ladies and gentlemen, last night at SummerSlam Brock Lesnar defeated Triple H and forced Triple H to tap out.
04:23 Now for those of you who don't know what that means: tapping out means that Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit.
04:35 Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his own family, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his company, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his friends,
04:49 Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his fans, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on all of you!
05:07 Brock Lesnar made Triple H suffer. Brock Lesnar stripped Triple H off his dignity!
05:12 Brock Lesnar took away Triple H's manhood because this man, this athlete forced Triple H down to the canvas and left Triple H a beaten, battlered shell of a former man.
05:32 And I don't feel sorry for Triple H.
05:37 And neither should any single one of you.
05:43 Because this was a fight that Triple H picked and it's not just a fight with Brock Lesnar, that Triple H picked which he couldn't win,
05:52 but this very fight because wasn't it Triple H that called the referee into his locker room and said:
06:01 "Hey, let the rules be banned. Let the rules be broken, I want this to be a fight to the finish."
06:09 And thats exactly what it was, except it wasn't the finish that Triple H was looking for.
06:15 So at this time in behalf of my client, I would like to call that referee, Scott Armstrong, down to this ring because my client Brock Lesnar,
06:29 Mr. Armstrong, would like to address you.
06:39 Would someone please send Mr. Scott Armstrong down to the ring at this time?
06:44 Brock Lesnar is awaiting his arrival.
06:55 Mr. Referee you're being paged at this time by Brock Lesnar.
07:07 Please. Please, sir.
07:27 Mr. Armstrong, please, it's live television. Come into the ring, my client does not bite. He may do everything else but bite is not one of them. Mr. Armstrong, Brock Lesnar would like to speak to you.
07:53 Please, sir.
07:57 I just wanna be sure here that you are the referee from last night, Mr. Armstrong.
08:03 Triple H did tell you to let the rules be banned, Triple H did tell you to let the rules be broken,
08:10 Triple H did tell you to let this despite what ever is going on be a fight to the finish!
08:18 Even if someone is getting hurt, even if it was my client getting hurt, that you should let this be a fight to the finish.
08:26 Mr. Armstrong last night I had two words for Triple H, they were "tap out", tonight, my client has two words for you.
09:00 "Good job."
09:09 You see, ladies and gentlemen, last night not only did Brock Lesnar end the career of Triple H, Brock Lesnar has jeopardized the future of the entire WWE.
09:21 Because by taking Triple H down and tapping him out, I here by appoint Brock Lesnar the new King Of Kings. The ma..
09:40 The master of the Brock-tagon!
09:45 And the conqueror of the WWE Universe which means,
09:53 and here's the best part, that each and every one of you are now the loyal subjects to the lord and master of the WWE Universe, the conqueror himself, my client, Brock Lesnar!


withstand - strip off - manhood - in behalf of my client - address - being paged - has jeopardized -
withstand: soportar; strip off: despojar; manhood: virilidad; in behalf of my client: en nombre de mi cliente; address: dirigir; being paged: siendo llamado; has jeopardized: ha puesto en peligro;

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