jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

00:01But let The Rock ask you something:
00:04do you really think that it was the fans?
00:08Do you actually think that it was the people that drove you out of the WWF?
00:20Is that what you think?
00:22That's exactly what...
00:23It doesn't matter what you think!!
00:33The only thing that matters is you realise, it was not the people that drove you out of the WWF, no no no, no,
00:39they loved you! They believed in you! And, dammit, The Rock believed in you!
00:55But you know what happened?
00:59It was years after years after years.
01:04It was years after years of you eating the vitamins, saying the prayers, ripping your T-shirt off,
01:09running wild over everyone, 'What'cha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild over you?'
01:17Oh, The Rock'll tell ya - The Rock'll tell you what the people did
01:20after all that, the people ran - they ran all right - they ran right to the toilet, pulled their pants down, took one big Hulkacrap every time you opened your mouth!
01:34You know what? The Rock will say this about you, Hollywood Hulk Hogan:
01:39you are, without a shadow of a doubt, a legend
01:45you are, without a shadow of a doubt, an icon
01:50quite possibly, the best ever.
01:56And seeing as you are back in the WWF because of Vince McMahon,
02:03The Rock has one thing to say: you talk about headlining, main eventing WrestleMania after WrestleMania after WrestleMania.
02:11Well, Hulk Hogan, The Rock says how do you feel about headlining one more WrestleMania... with The Rock?
03:32You know something, Rock... they've got a name - a phrase for guys like you.
03:39It's called 'flavour of the month.' Oh yeah, I've seen a lotta guys like you come and go - they're a dime a dozen.
03:49What makes you think you're even in my league?
03:54What makes you think you're even close to being as big a star as I am?
04:09What makes you...
04:20Yes... or no?
04:24Let The Rock paint a picture for you. The fantasy matchup no one would have ever thought they could have ever seen.
04:32The fantasy matchup that transcends this industry. The fantasy matchup that will determine who will go down in history as being the absolute best - ever.
04:49But you know what? Maybe it's...
05:13You know what? Maybe it's not up to you to decide.
05:17Maybe it's not up to The Rock to decide. Maybe, just maybe, it's up to... the people.
05:30At WrestleMania, do you people want to see the Immortal Hulk Hogan go one on one with the Great One?
06:15Yes... or no?
06:52You know, Rock... they are right.
06:57It'll be a pleasure to kick your ass at WrestleMania.
07:04So I say, let's do it.
07:20And by the way, Rock... good luck 'cause you're gonna need it.
07:37Not as much as you... BROTHER!

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