jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

03:11 I wanted to come out here and break the silence that's been surrounding me for the past week.
03:19 I want to start off by saying that I understand that Straight Edge isn't a concept that everybody gets.
03:26 I've heard it my entire life. I've heard 'It's just one drink, Punk' or 'It's just one cigarette', you know. 'What's the big deal?' And I understand that.
03:35 I see that point of view, but let me explain it to you like this: Straight Edge is a personal choice.
03:42 It wasn't a choice made so I could fit in somewhere.
03:45 It wasn't a choice I made to be cool, because honestly, half my life it has made me exactly the opposite of that.
03:51 It wasn't a choice I ever made to be trendy.
03:56 It's a choice I made, because it is exactly that: It is a way of life.
04:04 And I've come out here, time and time again. I've told you exactly how proud I am to be Straight Edge, but the reasons I'm Straight Edge
04:13 is something that I've always held very close to the vest. It's something that I tried to keep private for a couple of reasons.
04:20 The first one is: I really don't think it's anybody else's business.
04:25 Number two: Who really cares, right? Who cares why I'm Straight Edge?
04:31 Let me explain it to you like this: I never wanted anybody to feel sorry for me and I certainly never wanted to make excuses for myself.
04:39 I told myself a long time ago that I was gonna make it to the top of the WWE.
04:49 And I told myself if I make it to the top of the WWE it was gonna be because I am the best damn wrestler in the world!
05:21 Then along comes Chris Jericho.
05:31 Who comes back and he tries to get in my head by saying that he's the best wrestler in the world.
05:40 And when that doesn't work, Chris decides to destroy the privacy I've fought my entire life to keep.
05:49 Chris tells the world that my father is an alcoholic,
05:53 Chris makes up lies about my sweet little sister, saying she has a drug abusement problem,
05:59 Chris defrocks my mother and says that I'm a bastard.
06:11 And at WrestleMania, when his plan didn't work, when still none of these things he used to try to get under my skin actually get under my skin;
06:20 and at WrestleMania I beat him. No! At Wrestlemania I made Chris Jericho tap out!
06:37 Chris Jericho takes it one step further.
06:44 Chris Jericho takes it one step beyond, he takes it one step too far.
06:52 And it was last week and it was right out here.
06:57 He pours whiskey all over my body and he smashes a bottle over the back of my head.
07:13 And as I lay there, in and out of conciseness, struggling to regain some semblance of where I am,
07:23 where I was, I wasn't thinking how bad am I hurt, am I gonna be able to go on this international tour in two weeks.
07:33 There was one thought in my head.
07:42 And that th... that thought was: I smell exactly like my father did.
08:21 That smell that would punch me in the face everytime my dad got home from work.
08:28 Or every time he picked me up from Little League or every time...
08:33 Punk. Hey Punk! Hey Punk! Yeah Punk. It's quite a story you're telling there, Punk. But uh, what is the matter with you? There's something wrong with you here.
08:44 You look a little green around the gills. Are you still hung over?
08:50 Is that what's going on here? Are you still hung over?
08:53 I know it's hard to get that first taste of alcohol out of your lips, out of your mouth. Tastes pretty bad at first, but I'm sure you'll get quite used to it.
09:01 As a matter of fact, I'm very sure.
09:03 And maybe you're just still a little bit schocked about how easy it was for me to unleash the demon alcohol gene that's running through your veins.
09:10 You know, the one you inherited from your dear old daddy.
09:14 Oh, your dear old daddy. But you also look a little bit shaky now, Punk. Are you...
09:20 are you tipsy? Still? Is the WWE Universe witnessing CM Punk in the middle of his first bender? Hu?
09:30 No Chris, is not any of those things. What they're witnessing is me...
09:34 Whow, whow, whow, hold on, hold on. What do you mean is not any of those things? Punk, please. Now you're just simply in denial, hu?
09:41 What you have to learn is the first of the twelve steps of an alcoholic's recovery.
09:46 It's admitting that you're powerless to alcohol.
09:51 That it has taken control of your life. That your life is unmanageable and that's what's going on here. I can see it.
09:58 That's what all these wannabes see right now.
10:02 When they look at you Punk, they don't see a world champion, they don't see the best in the world.
10:10 They see a pathetic, living, breathing loser!
10:19 Punk, face the facts: When I broke your lifelong vow of sobriety last week on Raw, I didn't just force you to have your first taste of alcohol.
10:32 I forced you to understand what it feels like for the very first time to be CM Drunk!
11:09 Jericho, the only thing you broke last week was a bottle. You can't break me!
11:14 You can bring up all these things and all these memories and all these emotions.
11:20 Yeah, they come floating back, but guess what your mistake is.
11:23 Guess what your failure is. Not realizing that you just made the biggest mistake of your life.
11:29 Because this dark place you sent me to, I'm gonna use it and I'm gonna channel it and I'm gonna ball up my fists and every single bad memory I have and every single crummy emotion that forces through my veines I'm gonna use against you!
11:44 I'm coming after you from this dark place, Chris Jericho, because this is no longer
11:49 about me being the best in the world!
11:56 This is about me kicking your ass!


a little green around the gills - unleash - shaky - tipsy - witnessing - bender - powerless - crummy
a little green around the gills: Either actively hungover, or in the process of becoming so; unleash: to release; shaky: tending to shake or tremble; tipsy: Slightly intoxicated; witnessing: testificando; bender: juerga; powerless: impotente; crummy: terrible;

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