miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

00:07I'll cut right to the chase, I wanted to come out here and clear up a few things.
00:15Ever since I cashed in my Money In The Bank briefcase at Extreme Rules, I've heard some grumblings,
00:22some vocal ones right now, too, that say I STOLE the World Heavyweight championship from Jeff Hardy.
00:33I'm sorry, I don't see it that way.
00:35Last year, when I cashed in my first Money In The Bank briefcase against Edge,
00:40I didn't see it that way then, and in fact, nobody saw it that way.
00:48I can't take back what I did, nor do I want do. I'm proud to stand here in this ring, right now,
00:57YOUR World Heavyweight champion for the second time.
01:05I earned the right to cash in my Money In The Bank briefcase, when I put my body on the line at WrestleMania.
01:17So last Sunday night, Extreme Rules, there was an opportunity to become World Heavyweight champion
01:22staring me right in the face, and I capitalized on it.
01:29That doesn't make me a bad guy, that's just the entire purpose behind the contract that's in the briefcase in the first place.
01:39Now obviously, it wasn't the most popular decision in the world,
01:46but I've never done anything in my life just to be popular.
01:51I've always done, what's best for me.
02:01Now THIS, this right here is something that I've worked so veeerryy hard to obtain.
02:10This title right here is the entire reason I'm a WWE Superstar to begin with.
02:18This means the world to me.
02:21And I stand here in front all of you right now, to promise to bring respect,
02:27honor and integrity back to the World Heavyweight championship.
02:33I will represent the entire WWE and the SmackDown brand as champion to the best of my ability.
04:21Look, I didn't come out here to complain about what you did.
04:24That's not my style. You think you earned it? I don't agree.
04:35You guys think he earned it? ["NO"]
04:42Look, you won Money In The Bank, sure, you had the right to cash it in whenever you wanted to.
04:46But I'm telling you, Punk, you cashed in on the wrong guy.
04:54Okay, you're angry, I understand that.
04:56I'd be an idiot to walk out here and think that you weren't gonna be upset.
05:02I understand your point of view. Try, please, honestly Jeff, try to understand where I'm coming from!
05:16Jeff, Jeff, I didn't put you in a ladder match at Extreme Rules.
05:22You wanna know who did? YOU did!
05:29YOU chose a ladder match for you and Edge at Extreme Rules, and the night you did that a light bulb went up above my head, and I said: That's my night!
05:38Regardless, win, lose, whoever wins, it didn't matter to me.
05:42I made up my mind: I was cashing in that night.
05:44It just so happened, you won. Happens to the great's, man.
05:50You know what, I don't care about your reasons.
05:53But you know what I sense? I sense selfishness.
06:01I mean, do you care about your fans?
06:23Look, Punk, I don't walk the same path as you and I never will, but I want my title back.
06:29I want my rematch tonight!
06:50No! Ah ah ah ah, no, no, no!
06:56Jeff, you want YOUR World Heavyweight championship back?
06:59You want YOUR title rematch tonight? I don't think so.
07:03If anyone is getting a rematch for that World Heavyweight championship tonight, it's me.
07:19What? Have you lost it, Edge? I beat YOU! I won the ladder match!
07:35And why are you even out here? This isn't about you, this is about me and Punk.
07:42You know, finally we agree on something. He has a point, Edge.
07:46I didn't beat you to become champion, I beat him, so why don't you beat it...
07:50Once again: NO! Okay? He got lucky at Extreme Rules.
07:59Hey, hey, and guess what? Both of you combined have not held that as much as me.
08:06FACTS! FACTS! Alright? He had the shortest World Heavyweight championship reign in the history of this company.
08:16But guess what, at least he has some originality, he is his own man.
08:23But Punk, I've been trying to find out what makes you tick ever since you got here.
08:29I've been watching you, been trying to figure out who you emulate,
08:33who you look up to. And I figured it out: You wanna be me!
08:43Laugh all you want, pretty boy, you wanna be me. You do!
08:49You, eh, you call this unique life style you live 'Straight Edge'?
08:55HELLO? You NAMED it after me!
09:00You cashed in your Money In The Bank successfully TWICE, just like me.
09:10But here's a newsflash, Punk, you never have been, and you never will be ME!
09:25And here's another newsflash, hot of the presses:
09:29Jeff, you want another title shot? You gotta get behind me,
09:34cause when anyone is getting a rematch tonight, it's ME!
09:38Get it? Got it? GOOD!
09:46Yeah... not gonna happen, cause you're both full of...


chase - clear up - grumblings - take back - ataring - capitalize - regardless - I made up in my mind
chase: persecucion; clear up: aclarar; grumblings: murmuraciones; take back: regresar; staring: mirando; capitalize: aprovecharse de; regardless: en cualquier caso; I made up in my mind: me hice la idea;

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