viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

01:35 Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I'm here tonight as the advocate for Brock Lesnar.
01:52 Now I understand that every single person up in the tower caters to each and every of Triple H's whims,
02:03 but I asure you Brock Lesnar is not one of those people.
02:08 So here's a word that Triple H is probably not used to:
02:15 No! No, Brock Lesnar will not drop his lawsuit against WWE.
02:26 No, I will not drop my lawsuit against Triple H.
02:31 And most importantly, ladies and gentlemen, no, Brock Lesnar will not fight Triple H at SummerSlam.
02:48 I thank you very much for you kind attention. And Triple H, thank you for your time as well.
04:32 You know what? I look around here and I can't help but notice we are not in a bingo hall and I'm not one of your cronies from the 90s, drinking your Kool-Aid, Paul.
04:43 I know what you are. You're a habitual liar.
04:47 That's the truth.
04:52 And here's the thing: Brock Lesnar is gonna fight me at SummerSlam...
04:59 Oh stop. Do you listen to yourself?
05:01 No, no, no. I'm not gonna listen to me.
05:05 And I'm not gonna listen to you. I only wanna listen to one guy. And that is Brock Lesnar.
05:11 I wanna hear Brock Lesnar tell me that he's gonna step up and be a man and fight me at SummerSlam.
05:26 You wanna know why he is? Because I can give Brock Lesnar what he wants.
05:31 Brock Lesnar wants to be the star. He wants to be what it's all about, right? Well, I can give that to Brock Lesnar.
05:39 Take a look.
05:44 Now that right there that's what SummerSlam will be all about.
05:50 Brock Lesnar will be the face of that promotion, Paul. Everything he wants. All he's got to do is step up and agree to fight me.
06:09 You're gonna try to appease Brock Lesnar's ego with that? You're gonna play to Brock Lesnar's ego? Brock Lesnar has no ego. Brock...
06:20 Ha, Brock Lesnar has no ego?
06:23 No.
06:24 Usually you lie better than this, Paul.
06:27 Brock Lesnar has no ego? The guy that came out here and said he wanted it to be called Monday Night RAW starring Brock Lesnar has no ego?
06:41 It's all about ego for Brock. You're gonna tell me Brock Lesnar would rather me his money sitting in the court room?
06:49 For a long time, I might add. I got a whole building full of lawyers salivating over getting you in court.
06:56 Brock Lesnar is all about ego.
07:03 And Brock Lesnar will do this because if he doesn't Brock Lesnar is gonna go down as the guy that is scared of Triple H.
07:24 You're good. I mean, you really are that damn good.
07:31 You almost had me going. Wow. Wow. I mean, Brock Lesnar is scared of me. SummerSlam...
07:40 Oh come on! Stop. Please stop. Pretty please stop. I mean, just stop pretending to be a wrestler.
07:51 Stop playing the asskicker that you used to be.
07:56 Go back to your ivory tower where everybody caters to your every whim. Go back home to your little princesses and play the King of Kings,
08:07 because in Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman's world you're not the king of anything.
08:20 Are you getting angry at me? Hahahahaha!
08:24 Are you getting mad? Are you gonna hit me now, big bad wrestler?
08:33 Is that what you gonna do? You're getting to be more and more like Vince as every single day goes by.
08:42 And just like I used to push every single one of Vince's buttons, I know how to push your buttons, too.
08:51 Brock Lesnar is not going to fight you at SummerSlam. And you know, listen, if you want to hit me, go ahead. Go ahead. Hit me right now! Go ahead.
09:01 I'll take one for Team Lesnar! Because if you even think of hitting me, Brock Lesnar and I are gonna own this joint.
09:11 And just so you know, in Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman's WWE we have nothing for you.
09:25 But I do have something for Stephanie. You know, I... Ah, ah, ah... I can't breath!
09:35 Au, I can't breath!
09:43 Go ahead, do it! Do it!
09:50 I know you, Hunter. You're not gonna hit me.
10:07 I knew you wouldn't hit me. I knew you wouldn't hit me, because I can outthink you every single time.
10:16 I know everything you're gonna do long before you do it.
10:22 You met your match in me. The Cerebral Assassin, eh?
10:27 I'm smarter than you. I see everything you gonna do from a mile away.
10:54 Did you see that coming?
11:00 You tell Brock Lesnar I will see him at SummerSlam.
11:10 That is unless he's afraid the same thing will happen to him.


advocate - cater - whims - drop - lawsuit - cronies - appease - ivory tower
advocate: defensor; cater: atender; whims: caprichos; drop: abandonar; lawsuit: demanda; cronies: amigotes; appease: apaciguar; ivory tower: torre de marfil;

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