martes, 15 de julio de 2014

00:02 Judging on what you just saw, you blatantly pushed john morrison into the official.
00:09 As you saw, Josh, John Morrison became incredibly frustrated.
00:14 But when you put it in that context you don't exactly capture the magnitude of my victory.
00:20 I didn't just defeat John Morrison, I dominated him.
00:25 I definitely proved I'm the better man. And when he came to this realization, he snapped.
00:32 I'm undefeated, Josh. And I'm gonna be the first Intercontinental Champion to win the Royal Rumble.
00:41 Hey, Guys. Not interrupting here anything, am I?
00:45 Just getting this weird, awkward vibe. No, you don't, Josh? You're good?
00:52 Cause I-back there, Drew, I thought I heard you talking about your clean victory last week. 'Bout definitely proving that you're better than John Morrison.
01:02 It's easy to talk like that when I'm not here. But now that I am - you have anything to say to my face?
01:11 No? I dare you say something to my face.
01:17 Call yourself the Future. Or the Chosen One. Tell me my party is over.
01:21 Give me a reason right now, Drew, I dare you.
01:27 That's what I thought, Drew. I mean, you know what? I got you figured out.
01:35 Right now you're probably thinking: Can't wait to get outta here. So I can take the Intercontinental Title back to Uncle McGregor's farm.
01:41 And party with my sheep friends. Isn't it, Drew? Huh?
01:49 I know what you're trying to do, John. And it's not gonna work. It's time for you to accept that it's over.
01:56 And Drew McIntyre is moving on to bigger and better things than you.
02:08 Alright, Drew. You know what? This is starting to get boring.
02:13 One of the two of us has got to lose our temper. And if it ain't gonna be you, it might as well be me.


blatantly - realization - he snapped - awkward - vibe - I dare you
blatantly: descaradamente; realization: conclusion; he snapped: el perdio el control; awkward: incomoda; vibe: sensacion; I dare you: Te reto;

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