domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

hola que tal como estan, aqui les paso otro video con subtitulos de la coleccion de videos Yappr, aunque este video es corto a comparacion de otros que he subido, tiene algunas palabras un poco rebuscadas espero les sirva .....XD
00:00I’m Barack Obama, and I approve this message.
00:03Bermuda…it’s more than just a vacation destination for John McCain. McCain went to Bermuda…
00:09…and while he was there pledged to protect tax breaks for American corporations that hide their profits offshore.
00:16And grateful insurance company executives and their lobbyists who benefit from the tax scheme, gave McCain $50,000.
00:24John McCain. He took a vacation, and so much more. And we get more of the same.


pledged - tax breaks - profits - insurance company - lobbyist - tax scheme
pledged: prometia; tax breaks: exclusiones de impuestos; profits: ganancias; insurance company: compañia de seguros;lobbyists: miembros; tax scheme: regimenfiscal.

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