domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

aqui les traigo otro video con sus subtitulos es un fragmento de un documental de la NatGeo(National Geographic) este si es un poco mas interesante debido a los verbos que van a escuchar. A comparacion de los anteriores que subi este tiene otro tipo de vocabularios pero no se preocupen abajo les puse su traduccion espero lo disfruten el video esta aqui y sin mas palabreo veanlo!!!!
00:00This isn’t your average spider. First of all it lives in Africa.
00:06Second of all it isn’t satisfied with just insects.
00:12This fishing spider lurks near water.
00:16And lives to prey on fish, tadpoles or in this case – frogs.
00:24Now you are probably asking yourself how a spider catches, kills and eats a frog.
00:30Well fishing spiders rest on the water surface with their hind legs anchored on a leaf or a rock.
00:37When it detects vibrations of passing prey, it pounces with lightening speed and subdues its catch under its body.
00:48The spider releases digestive enzymes over the frog that cause it to liquefy.
00:55It retreats to a quiet spot to enjoy its meal.
01:04Yes this spider will eventually eat this entire frog.


lurks - prey - tadpoles - hind legs - anchored - leaf - prey - pounce - subdue - liquefy - retreat - spot - eventually
lurks: estar al acecho; prey: cazar; tadpoles: renacuajos; hind legs: patas traseras; anchored: ancladas; leaf: hoja; prey: presa; pounce: atacar; subdue: dominar; liquefy: liquidar; retreat: retirar; spot: lugar.

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