domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

hola aqui les traigo otro video este es un documental de la Muralla China que salio en la National Geographic , pero el video es corto aqui tienen el preambulo pero es muy bueno para los que quieren aprender listening abajo del video como he hecho en otros van a encontrar los subtitulos
00:06This is the Ming Dynasty’s Great Wall. The stone dragon that has become the image of the Great Wall of China throughout the world.
00:14It was built in the 16th century for much the same reason as the Han Walls. To protect the middle kingdom from the Northern Barbarians.
00:23But this gigantic construction is made not of earth, but of baked bricks. It’s more than 7 meters thick at the base...
00:29...and its battlements reach up to 20 meters high. It curves majestically through more than 1,200 kilometers of the mountains north of Beijing.
00:50It follows the natural line of the mountain peaks, reaching breathtaking heights, before plunging into the deepest ravines.
01:02Visitors stand speechless before this architectural masterpiece and they admire the audacity of its builders...
01:13...even while they wonder about its real or military effectiveness. But there’s little doubt about the message. This is the frontier of our world.
01:32On the other side, the alien world begins. This wall is the expression of a culture that wanted to be entirely self-sufficient.
01:53This stone monument marks the peak of wall-building in China’s long history. Almost every dynasty had built its own wall.
02:02There was never a single strategic idea. Some reckoned that all the walls added together would stretch for 25,000 kilometers.
02:21Many parts of many walls are still to be discovered. On the Yellow River, close to the once-so-hotly disputed Ordos region, there is still a few remains.
02:32Here and there, ruined towers and tumbling sections of walls still rear out of the sand.
02:46Over the centuries, the wind and the rain have taken their toll on the walls of packed earth.
03:06The relics of the old ramparts seem to merge with the natural landscape, as if they were never built by man.
03:13Hard to believe here, in the myth of the wall, as a symbol of the nation’s strength.


earth - baked bricks - thick - battlements - reach up - peaks - reaching - breathtaking - plunging - ravines - speechless - entirely - reckoned - stretch - remains - tumbling - rear - taken - toll - packed - relics - ramparts - merge - landscape

earth: barro; baked bricks: ladrillo cocido; thick: grosor; battlements: castillo; reach up: llegan; peaks: picos; reaching: alcanzando; breathtaking: impresionantes; plunging: sumergirse; ravines: valles; speechless: mudos; entirely: completamente; reckoned: estimaron; stretch: extender; remains: restos; tumbling: inclinadas; rear: alzar; taken: dejado; toll: huella; packed: compactada; relics: reliquias; ramparts: murallas; merge: emerger; landscape: paisaje.
Espero les haya servido este video educativo el cual nos enseña lo majestuosos que son las construcciones de la antiguedad.

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